O1: Framework and Guidelines

O1: Framework and Guidelines


O1: OpenVM Competence Framework and Guidelines

These three documents constitute the output (O1) of the open VM project 2018.  The first document (O1-A1) presents the OpenVM competence framework with its eight learner competences. It gives some background on the study that was conducted to define the competence framework. The second document (O1-A2) and goes into detail presenting the conducted study. The third document (O1-A3) is an elaboration on the competence framework in which the framework is applied to an exemplary VM project.

These documets are intended for anyone interested in Open Virtual Mobility Activities, and the learner competences that can be developed with such activities.

Download the full document O1-A1 (21 pages, PDF, 1MB) openVM_O1_A1_FINALOct2018

