Join the the mini-MOOC "Media and Digital Literacy"!

Join the the mini-MOOC "Media and Digital Literacy"!

OpenVM mini-MOOCs provide learners with an opportunity to develop skills for successful participation in virtual mobility. The OpenVM project defined eight main competence clusters for virtual mobility, each including a number of skills and subskills. Media and Digital Literacy is one of the eight skill clusters and one of the eight mini-MOOCs offered on the OpenVM Learning Hub. You can sign in to see all OpenVM mini-MOOCs here

Media and Digital Literacy is the ability to use resources effectively, to learn in a digital environment and to assess the quality of digital resources.

The mini-MOOC “Media and Digital Literacy” is specifically designed for students and teachers interested in improving their Media and Digital Literacy. The MOOC is structured in three levels: foundation, intermediate and advanced. As a teacher you may recommend this mini-MOOC to your students for self-study at foundation level, integrate this mini-MOOC in your curriculum at all three levels, and also find useful resources for your own educational practices.


The mini-MOOC “Media and Digital Literacy” offers learners nine Open Educational Ressources (OERs), such as videos, e-books and blogs, as well as self-assessments, including quizzes, and an e-portfolio with peer-assessment.

The specific topics covered in this MOOC include:

  • using online learning technologies;
  • differences between online and offline;
  • searching for new courses & resources;
  • using digital platforms;
  • using tools for anonymous online communication;
  • assessing quality in courses and resources found online;
  • assessing the quality of courses and OERs.

Upon successful completion of the mini-MOOC “Media and Digital Literacy”, learners can obtain OpenVM Badges (digital microcredentials), which recognise Media and Digital Literacy at one of the three levels. The three OpenVM Badges in the “Media and Digital Literacy” mini-MOOC are:

  1. Media and Digital Literacy – Foundation Level
  2. Media and Digital Literacy – Intermediate Level
  3. Media and Digital Literacy – Advanced Level

Everyone can participate anytime in the foundation level. Since the foundation level is self-paced, learners can obtain an OpenVM Badge at any time by completing all the activities at this level course. OERs and quizzes at intermediate and advanced levels are also always available. However, in order to obtain OpenVM Badges at intermediate and advanced levels, a group of learners is needed to complete group-based activities. Therefore, we recommend integrating the intermediate and advanced levels into teaching activities, e. g. university courses, seminars, vocational training and so on.


If you would like to have more information, please refer to our brochure

or contact us directly:


Here is the link to the Media and Digital Literacy MOOC: