Among the courses designed to work on the set of skills which our previous research defined for Open Virtual Mobility (Rajagopal et al, 2020), there is the Collaborative Learning miniMOOC.
Collaborative learning is a necessary skill to develop (Open) Virtual Mobilities and the course includes many aspects and nuances about it. From all the miniMOOCs it is particularly interesting for teachers and future teachers who are interested in participating in the design and development of VM projects as it covers some aspects for the learning design of collaborative learning activities. Therefore, the course is addressed to all those interested in OpenVM, in particular to teachers looking for VM projects, but also we highly recommend it to those lecturers and researchers from the Teacher Education field.
Following the same structure of the OpenVM miniMOOCs, the collaborative learning course is compound by three sub-MOOCs . You can read the introduction to the course here and follow each level by accessing the following paths:
After successful competition, you can earn the following Open Badges designed and implemented by the Bestr platform:
- Foundation level Open Badge:
- Intermediate level Open Badge:
- Advanced level Open Badge:
Everyone can participate anytime in the foundation level. Since the foundation level is self-paced, learners can obtain an OpenVM Badge at any time by completing all the activities at this level course. OERs and quizzes at intermediate and advanced levels are also always available. However, in order to obtain OpenVM Badges at intermediate and advanced levels, a a group of learners is needed to complete group-based activities. Therefore we recommend to integrate the intermediate and advanced levels into teaching activities, e. g. university courses, seminars, vocational training and so on.
Our courses include learning activities based on OER which address the learning aims of each miniMOOC. We present a short summary of each, by adding the learning objectives and an example of the OER you can find in each subMOOC on collaborative learning:
Foundation level (e.g. basic knowledge):
- Being aware/Understanding the transformative potential of collaboration
- Enhance team skills
- Experience different learning methodologies
Example of micro-content in the selected OER:
- The jigsaw method. A video to learn about this organizational strategy. Watch it here
Intermediate level (e.g. knowledge applied in real contexts and reflections ability):
- Active participation in collaborative learning
- Exchange knowledge with different disciplines
- Collaborate with diverse tools in the open digital contexts
Example of micro-content in the selected OER:
- Online Collaborative tools. A blog post where to find and select the best tools for your designs. You can read it here
Advanced level (e.g. complex/scientific knowledge, reflection and meta-reflection ability) :
- Interact and collaborate with peers with different disciplines, and cultures
- Showing skills for leadership in collaborative learning groups
- Interaction with authentic resources in foreign languages
Example of micro-content in the selected OER:
- A video on how to manage for collective creativity. You can see the video here
You can sign in to see all OpenVM mini-MOOCs here
If you would like to have more information, please refer to our brochure or contact us directly:
Here the link to the Collaborative Learning mini-MOOC: don’t hesistate, and join us!