O6 – A2.3 MOOC Evaluation and peer-review

O6 – A2.3 MOOC Evaluation and peer-review

This paper describes the process through which MOOCs were peer-assessed by internal and external partner institutions. The process was managed by Roma Tre University with the supportive collaboration of all the partner institutions involved in the project. Each partner participated both in the design and assessment phase. In this way, the OpenVM MOOC was produced and assessed through a co-construction and collaborative process. Comments related to the MOOC peer-assessment were organized and presented in three macro-areas:

  1. E-assessment: the e-assessment was further classified into two areas which are a. quizzes b. e-portfolio and peer-assessment;
  2. Learning Instructions and contents: this area was further classified into three components: a. content b. accessibility c. guidance;
  3. Platform: which refers to the technical features of the learning hub.

We did not retrieve any negative comments, but only suggestions to further improve the quality of the MOOCs. The external institution involved in the peer-assessment activity expressed generally positive comments, especially regarding the quizzes and the contents. All the indications from partners were taken into account to further improve the quality of the MOOCs and described.

O6 - A2.3