OpenVM ICWL2019 Paper: Semantic Competency Directory for Constructive Alignment in Digital Learning Designs and Systems.

OpenVM ICWL2019 Paper: Semantic Competency Directory for Constructive Alignment in Digital Learning Designs and Systems.

The 18th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL2019), took place from September 23rd to September 25th 2019 and was hosted by the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Over 80 researchers and academics from Europe and Asia participated in parallel sessions, workshops, symposiums and demos. Ilona Buchem presented a research paper titled “Semantic Competency Directory for Constructive Alignment in Digital Learning Designs and Systems”, authors: Ilona Buchem and Johannes Konert in the session on online learning systems. The paper will be published in the ICWL proceedings in Springer Link:

Here is the abstract of the paper:

Semantic Competency Directory for Constructive Alignment in Digital Learning Designs and Systems.

Ilona Buchem1[0000-1111-2222-3333] and Johannes Konert2[1111-2222-3333-4444]

1 Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Luxemburger Str. 10, 13351 Berlin, Germany

2 Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Luxemburger Str. 10, 13351 Berlin, Germany,

Abstract. The paper describes the semantic competency directory as a technology which can be used to support constructive alignment in digital learning designs and systems. This article describes the competency directory developed in the Open Virtual Mobility project which can be used to align competencies (learning objectives) with learning activities, e-assessment and digital credentials (Open Badges). We describe technical considerations, requirements and the implementation of the competency directory with three components, i. e. Node.js-based backend with REST API, Neo4j graph database and a web-based user interface which fetches information from the REST-API backend. The paper demonstrates the value of the competency directory for support of constructive alignment in learning designs and systems especially in context of competency alignment in digital credentials .

Keywords: Competency alignment, constructive alignment, competency directory, semantic alignment, learning design, digital credentials, virtual mobility.