Gérard Casanova
Gérard Casanova is a lecturer at Université de Lorraine and currently works in the digital utilisation department (direction des usages du numérique). He has been actively involved in digital learning for more than 15 years, where the focus of his work has been on the creation and tutoring of online training courses and the support and training of those responsible for the design and production of learning resources as well as tutoring at a distance. Gérard’s work has included pedagogical responsibility for a full online masters course and he is in charge of the quality in AUNEGE.
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Violaine Colin
Violaine is a project administrator at AUNEGE, in charge of the administrative and financial aspects. She manages different R&D projects at the national level (PERICLES, TIL, SONATE) as well as at the European level (eLene4work, openVM). With her background and strong experience in quality, she is also involved in the evaluation of OERs, usage tracking and recommendations.
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Jacques Dang
As Technology Director at HEC, one of France’s leading business schools, Jacques is responsible for large-scale, collaborative R&D projects, with a focus on e-education, standardization, IPR, big data and next-generation networks. He has been involved in several national and EU R&D projects (ICOPER, PROLEARN, SEVAQ+, PERICLES, PoQEMoN, NEPTUNE).
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Florence Ducreau
A higher education teacher specialising in management, and a founding member of the CANEGE Digital Campus and the AUNEGE Digital Thematic University, Florence is responsible for International Relations at AUNEGE. She has a longstanding experience in European projects under the e-learning, LLP and ERASMUS+ programmes. She participates in the joint Digital Thematic University working group on the integration of OERs in teaching practice and is a key contributor to the ERASMUS+ project D-Transform (digital transformation of Higher Education).
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