screen of the web interface (competency directory)

O3-A1: competency directory ready

O3-A1: competency directory ready

O3-A1:  Competeny directory functional prototype is ready to use

Milestone O3-A1.2 and A1.3 document (issued  March 2019):

The competency directory of the Open Virtual Mobility project consists of a REST-API (Level 2) which provides unique URL access to the 33 competency definitions and their cross-references as defined by Output O1 of the project. The data is available in JSON-LD format referencing the schema definitions (e.g. from ESCO). Additionally, the prototype implementation includes a user interface as Single Page Application, based on React.js, providing browsing and searching of the competency entries. As database behind, Neo4J is used. All software components are released as Open Source on GitHub repositories including docker container definitions and installation guidelines. The document describes results of the conducted survey, the list of requirements, and explains all resulting components of the implementation.

UPDATE: As a preview for next milestone, the competency directory is now available incl. web frontend and REST-API at .

Download the full document (22 pages, PDF, 1 MB)
