Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin is one of the oldest universities of applied sciences in Berlin with the largest portfolio of programs in engineering studies in Berlin area. Beuth University is a modern university with focus on technology, digital media, diversity and multiculturalism. Over 12.800 students – including 1700 foreign students from 70 different countries – study at Beuth in over 70 different degree programs in STEM fields at bachelor and master levels. A number of units and programs at Beuth, including the International Office, the Gender and Technology Center and the Refugees@Beuth program, are dedicated to promoting diversity, social inclusion, equality, gender balance and participation of disadvantaged learners such as refugees and migrants. Beuth has over 50 Erasmus partnerships in the EU, Norway and Switzerland as well as over 70 global partnerships with mobility programs for students in South America, North America, Asia and Africa. Beuth is also connected through the GE-4 network for student mobility with over 30 partners world wide. Beuth University offers both on-site and on-line programs and courses, making use of the newest educational technologies such as learning management and e-portfolio systems, mobile applications, industry-specific software and Open Badges. As a member of the Association of Virtual Universities, with 10 universities of applied sciences in Germany which offer on-line degree programs, Beuth has been dedicated to effective practice and research in technology-enhanced learning and promoting digital skills.